Help With Penco M-70 and Yamaha G-150A Guitars

by Marian
(Fargo, ND)

I have a Penco model Nr. M-70, it sounds extremely well, but I cannot find any information on it. I also have a Yamaha G-150A, sounds a little too stopped for my ear, but still OK. Also I cannot find any information on it. Anybody knows anything about these two?

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May 13, 2013
penco classical guitars
by: winggolder

Made in Japan in the 70's, evidently closed due to lawsuit for patent infringement around 78. I have an m-70. m-80, m-9- and a friend has an m-100. Each probably designates a year, all look alike. Anyone know?

Aug 17, 2011
added link for PENCO guitars
by: Mark47

They were made in the same factory as Ibanez guitars inb the 1970's, which means they were very good quality instruments.

Re: Yamaha G-150A. I own a Yamaha steel string folk guitar and have owned a Yamaha classical guitar in the past. They are very good instruments and far better than their prices indicate. I know many acoustic players who have very expensive guitars and prefer playing their Yamahas.


Aug 17, 2011
Re; Penco guitar-
by: Mark 47

I remember seeing and playing several PENCO guitars in the late 1970's-1980's. I believe they were made in Japan. The models I played seemed well made and I know they were about mid range in price. They made mostly copies of other companies guitars, good materials and build quality.

I think you should find more about the company if you search online for PENCO guitars.


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