Ramirez Guitars vs. Bernabe Guitars
by David Fasano
(Hollywood Fl. USA)
Ramirez Guitars vs. Bernabe Guitars
Ramirez Guitars vs. Bernabe Guitars
Ramirez Guitars vs. Bernabe Guitars
I have been testing a lot of guitars made by different Luthiers.
I have found that the Paulino Bernabe guitars are the loudest and best-sounding guitars for their price points. I even camapared a
Jose Ramirez 1A, which sells new for just over $10,000, to a lower (not hand made by the luthier)
Paulino Bernabe M-10, which sells for $3,750.
To me, the M-10 sounded better.
I have not made a purchase yet. But, I think I am going to get a
Paulino Bernabe M-30 which sells for around $6,000.
I have not played any of the high-end handmade Paulino Bernabes -- but I bet they are awesome. Don't get me wrong, the 1A sounded great too. But, I think the much cheaper Bernabe model sounded and played better.
Read more about Ramirez Guitars
Click to find Ramirez Guitars for sale
Read more about Bernabe Guitars
Click to find Bernabe guitars for sale